The Work Plan

The overall objective of the SFEDA project is to promote transnational cooperation among three countries so as to achieve the proof of the effectiveness of the technology and the implementation of a system for the early detection and prevention of wildfires targeting a positive environmental impact and climate change resiliency. Preservation of forests contributes in increased GHG removal towards positive impact in legislative reduction targets, improvement of the resilience of ecosystems to climate change and minimizing the impact of extreme weather phenomena eg flooding.

It is envisaged that the greatly (more than 50%) increased response of the proposed system may lead up to a 55% reduction in burned area due to efficient mobilization of firefighting units. In addition, 3243,6 Ktn of CO2 sequestration and storage from the forests will be occurred. A secondary objective is the preservation of the resources (wood, water, soil and air) in and around forest towards future efficient management.

The purpose of the SFEDA is to apply and demonstrate free SoA technological solutions in 3 forests in 3 different countries and by sharing their experiences and expertise to promote and strengthen the cooperation of the cross border partners and improve the infrastructure for fire surveillance. The specific objectives are: -To jointly implement a system called THEASIS for day and night continues monitoring of the forests to improve considerably the systems for forest protection against wildfires based on SoA technologies. -To evaluate, validate and disseminate the experiences of forest monitoring using advanced technologies. -To promote widely and train for free regional authorities staff and firefighters in the use of new technologies for forest monitoring against wildfires. -To prove the effectiveness and the main advantages of the THEASIS to be considered and adopted by the local authorities and governments.


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